COMT Genetic Test
The COMT gene affects our ability to handle pain. It is responsible for coding catechol-O-methyltransferase enzyme involved in pain sensitivity, anxiety, and personality disorders. The metabolism of neurotransmitters such as dopamine, serotonin, and epinephrine depends on COMT gene.
Certain gene combinations have low enzyme activity and can lead to higher catecholamines (e.g., dopamine) levels and lower pain resilience. COMT has been found to affect mental disorders such as schizophrenia, OCD, PTSD, bipolar disorder, and drug & alcohol abuse.
Using simple and easy-to-use buccal cheek swabs, the COMT genetic test checks Met & Val alleles responsible for sound mental and emotional health.
Our Home COMT Genetic Test is easy, fast, reliable, and requires just a few steps:
Order Online.
Receive The Kit And Collect Sample At Home.
Ship It Back For FREE To Our World-Class CLIA Labs (US only).
Receive Secure, Confidential, & Easy-To-Understand Report Within Days For Your Comprehensive Home COMT Genetic Test.
What is a COMT Genetic Test?
COMT (Catechol-O-methyltransferase) is an enzyme associated with pain sensitivity. It is responsible for the digestion of neurotransmitters such as dopamine and adrenaline. The COMT genetic test checks the different variants that produce the COMT enzyme.
Why one should check the COMT gene variants?
A common mutation in the COMT v158m location results in the replacement of the amino acid valine (Val) with methionine (Met) at position 158 in the enzyme.
Met/Met pair has been shown to reduce the enzyme activity 3-4 times, which makes it difficult to process chemicals such as dopamine. This can lead to increased dopamine levels and tendency to seek high-adrenaline activities, greater sensitivity to pain, as well as higher propensity to addictions.
In contrast, Val/Val pair reduces dopamine levels which can cause depression, feeling of helplessness, sleep problems, and anxiety.
COMT also affects estrogen levels which can cause menstrual problems such as PMS.
How to check if you have high pain sensitivity and risk of alcohol and drug addiction?
Everyone has different abilities to handle pain and stress. But a COMT test can help check if you are naturally at higher risk due to your genes. You can order an easy, low-cost COMT genetic test to assess your risk without going to a doctor or lab: (1) Order a test kit online; (2) collect a sample at home with a few cheek swabs; (3) send the sample to one of our CLIA-certified labs; and (4) find out your risk of mental disorders and sensitivity to pain in few days.
Q: Can I purchase the test across US?
A: Except New York and New Jersey our tests are available in all 48 states. State regulations in NY, NJ, do not allow us to ship the tests to their residents.
Q: What does the kit contain and how do I use it?
A: The kit for our COMT Genetic Test contains: (1) few buccal swabs, (2) instructions to collect the samples, and (3) a form requesting basic information including date and time of collection. The directions are straight forward and easy to follow.
Q: How long does it take to receive the results?
A: You will receive the kit within 3-5 business days with a prepaid return envelope (for orders within US). After you ship the sample and it is received by our lab, you receive the results within 5-7 business days.
Q: How do you handle my samples and data?
A: Your samples are kept by the lab for two weeks and the extracted DNA is kept for 3 months. The samples are disposed off in biohazardous waste that is picked up by a certified waste management company that specializes in medical waste disposal and follows strict regulatory guidelines.
Regarding your data: we are required to maintain the data for a minimum of 2 years. Your data is released only to those authorized by you. We also ensure that such information is maintained in the strictest confidence in accordance with HIPAA and other applicable federal and state laws and regulations. In certain cases, we may release information to a third party if such information is required for medical treatment or by federal or state law.
Q: What do I expect from the report?
A: The report with your test results will be easy to understand and will have all the necessary details. It will mark your Met and Val combination. The report will include a table showing high, moderate or low category of enzyme activity, dopamine level, pain response, need for pain medication, stress resiliency, and estradiol levels. It will briefly discuss what the results mean and provide scientific references for further follow up.
Q: Can I use my insurance to pay for the test?
A: No. We do not have the capability to process the insurance claim. Insurance plans vary by individuals and may not pay for genetic testing. Please talk to your insurance provider if you have any further concerns.
Q: How reliable are my results?
A: We have partnered with CLIA-certified labs that are used by physicians across the US. These labs are regulated by the states, as well as Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS). Many of the tests from these labs are FDA approved to ensure they meet the proper regulatory requirements. Additionally, the College of American Pathologists (CAP) requires inter-laboratory tests to ensure the ranges established by each lab do not drift or are within acceptable ranges. This is done by regularly testing reference samples between different labs. Finally, the labs test thousands of sample for different age groups and health conditions, and have well established reference data to compare your results against this large pool.
Q: Can you recommend what therapy should I take if my levels are high or low?
A: Unfortunately, no. As a lab test provider we can only test and report out data from your samples. We are not authorized to provide any medical recommendations. But we strongly encourage you to discuss the results with your doctor for next steps.